About once a week I make a vegetable stock,
Why? Because it's a great base for a lot of stews. Especially now during the winter.
It does not require much fuss, so it is really worth the time.
In general, vegetable, chicken, beef or fish stock elevates dishes and I really recommend it if you're aiming for richer flavors when you cook.
I usually make vegetable stock because it goes great with almost any thing.
It is a wonderful base for almost any soup, I like to cook in rice, stuffed vegetables and even pasta in it.
I find the vegetable stock most useful to me so I like to always have a stock in the fridge.
The stock I make is very basic, I personally like that it has a very delicate flavor. I put in celery, carrots, onions, garlic, salt, black pepper and white wine vinegar.
You can even deepen its flavors even further by adding herbs like parsley, thyme, etc.
I am writing here the most basic recipe for vegetable stock that you can find useful in quite a few of my recipes and in general.
3 stalks of celery
2-3 onions
1 head of garlic
2 carrots
2 liters of water
1 teaspoon salt
Half a teaspoon of black pepper
2 teaspoons white wine vinegar
2 teaspoons olive oil
Bunch of parsley / coriander / 8 thyme stalks - optional
Wash all vegetables, no need to peel.
Cut and lower into a pot.
Add all the other ingredients and cook over medium heat for two hours.
Strain the spindle, transfer to jars. (I Recommend putting on each jar a sticker with a date)
Store in the refrigerator.